各款式 筆電收購 ASUS筆電師收購 ROG電競筆電收購 收購ACER筆電 收購Msi電競筆電 收購微軟SUR 看全文

我們專業經營各項3C高價回收,收購電競筆電,文書筆電,輕薄筆 電,MSI,ASUS,ACER,HP,Razer,GIGABYBE,Microsoft,,多通路多管道,非坊間垃圾回收價,價格不怕您比較,歡迎企業戶汰舊換新,續約販賣,分期換現,電競筆電, 二手汰舊,手機,筆電,相機,鏡頭,空拍機
It would be easy to think PC sales dropped worldwide last year amid chip shortages, but that conventional thinking would be wrong. As it turns out, Canalys reports that PC shipments grew 15% year over year in 2021 and were up 27% over 2019, with a whopping 341 million units sold.
While the fourth-quarter numbers were up just 1% over the previous year, 2021 was still the best year since 2012, according to the firm.
As Canalys senior analyst Ishan Dutt pointed out, PCs had a great year in spite of chip supply issues, and he sees PCs as firmly entrenched as part of our work and leisure lives, with it becoming the norm to have multiple PCs in the same home in developed areas of the world.
“For the market to post double-digit growth over an impressive 2020, despite the constant cloud of supply constraints, speaks volumes about how strong PC demand has been over the last 12 months. Taking a long-term view, the most important developments in 2021 were the large increases in PC penetration and usage rates,” he said in a statement.
The big winners in 2021 were the Big 3 PC makers: Lenovo, HP and Dell, with Apple coming in fourth. It’s worth noting that while everyone had a good year, as the chart below shows, Apple had the largest growth number year-over-year at 28.3%, while 二手筆電收購acer was second with 21.8% growth in spite of being fifth overall in terms of shipment numbers.
In terms of market share, Lenovo and HP were the clear winners with 24.1% and 21.7%, respectively. Dell was third with 17.4% with Apple fourth with 8.5%
Image Credits: Canalys
Image Credits: Canalys
Although chip shortages are expected to persist into the new year, and there is speculation that the education market may be saturated, Canalys still believes that 2022 will be a strong year for PC sales. In fact, Canalys analyst Rushabh Doshi said the market would likely have been bigger in 2021 if not for the supply issues.
“The primary reason why we are in a shortage situation is that demand is outstripping supply. It is [definitely true] that had the supply situation been better, the PC industry would have grown faster, and be [even bigger],” Doshi told me.
He sees a market that will continue to expand into the future. “Looking at an unconstrained view, the demand for better and faster PCs is now more pronounced than ever, not just in work, but also at home. With the importance of PCs reinforced in the past two years, we believe that the growth is here to stay,” he said.
年中強檔促銷優惠的 618購物節,於本週六凌晨登場,彙整7家網購電商平台,針對3C夯品祭出的優惠促銷活動,提供網友購物參考。(圖/記者劉惠琴攝、PChome 24h購物、friday購物、myfone購物提供;編輯合成)
年中強檔促銷優惠的 618購物節,即將於本週六凌晨登場,多家網購電商平台,包括:PChome、蝦皮、momo購物、Yahoo購物、博客來、遠傳friday購物、台灣大myfone購物等,紛紛祭出限時限量搶購的主題商品優惠、指定品牌機款的特價活動,或提供全站累計消費滿額的加碼好禮作為訴求。
6/18凌晨 00:00 伊萊克斯Pure A9.2高效能抗菌空氣清淨機,原價 23,900元,優惠特價 19,900元。
6/18凌晨 00:00 東元 4-5坪R32變頻冷暖空調,原價 36,900元,優惠特價18,900元。
6/18上午10點 AppleiPhone 13 128GB,原價 25,900元,優惠特價 6,180元。
6/18上午10點 NintendoSwitch電力加強版主機,原價9,780元,優惠特價 978元。
6/18中午12點 Panasonic F-Y12EB 除濕機,原價 7,590元,優惠特價 1,680元。
6/18中午12點 MSI微星 27吋曲面螢幕顯示器,原價 9,990元,優惠特價 999元。
6/18晚上8點 SanDisk Ultra MicroSD A1高速記憶卡32GB,原價460元,優惠特價1元。
PChome 24h購物618 推出超級品牌日,天天再領最高818元折價券。(圖/PChome 24h購物提供)
PChome 24h購物
●PChome 24h購物「618收貨節」,攜手一線大品牌祭出「超級品牌日」,包含小米、ASUS、三星、dyson、石頭科技、P&G、Adidas等超強優惠,天天再送最高818元折價券。
即日起至6/23日,家居打掃神隊友Dyson V10 Fluffy無線吸塵器,直降萬元,特價11,900元,最高再回饋11%P幣。
即日起至6/23日,Dyson 涼風清淨機TP7A,下殺5,000元,再送專用濾網。
即日起至6/30日,ASUS VivoBook S15 S513EP 15.6吋獨顯筆電,特價24,900元。
即日起至6/30日,ASUS VivoBook X413EA 14吋輕薄筆電,特價19,900元。
●6月18日至6月21日,momo《618年中大促》全站商品3折起,夢幻夯品dyson新品V15智慧吸塵器、三星5G手機Galaxy M53、FUJI摩享時光按摩椅等祭出618限定價。
●618單日限定「3萬份全家好禮滿額送」,凡當日累積消費滿2,000元,即享全家三大美食擇一登記領的資格,限量Let’s Cafe美式咖啡、Fami!ce霜淇淋或經典原味熱狗。
Dyson 戴森 V15 Detect Fluffy 強勁智慧吸塵器,活動價19,900元,加碼1,000 momo幣、配件三選一。
FUJI 摩享時光按摩椅FE-6000,活動價33,618元。
SAMSUNG 三星Galaxy M53 5G四主鏡智慧型手機,活動價10,990元,限時再送碎屏險、兩個YouTube Premium免費試用。
Dyson戴森 Digital Slim SV18 輕量吸塵器,特價13,900元,結帳再享9.5折優惠,還送10%遠傳幣及LED發光吸頭。6/19前透過LINE導購,再送10% LINE POINT。
Dyson戴森 V8 fluffy+ 無線吸塵器,特價免萬元,下殺7.4折,享結帳再9.5折、送10%遠傳幣。
Nespresso 膠囊咖啡機 Lattissima one 特價8,600元,Nespresso全系列咖啡機結帳再享9折。
TECO東元 334公升一級能效變頻雙門冰箱,下殺逾6千元,特價16,468元。
即日起至6/21前,小米旗艦館年中慶限時優惠,Xiaomi 掃拖機器人 2 Ultra 集塵版省2,000元,特價12,995元。華碩Asus x515ea 15吋I5SSD 窄邊框輕薄筆電,特價免2萬元,也是市場首破於2萬元特惠價。
●台灣大電商平台myfone購物推出「嗨翻618購物節」強檔活動,除全館商品限時6折起,包括iPhone 13、AirPods ProApple Watch等夢幻3C逸品,也祭出限時限量搶購價。
6/18上午11點,蘋果 AirPods Pro 真無線降噪耳機,原價 7,990 元,特價優惠4,888元。
6/18下午13點,蘋果 iPhone 13 128GB,原價 25,900元,特價優惠 22,888元。
6/18晚上20點,宏碁 二手筆電收購acer A514 14吋效能獨顯筆電,原價 25,900 元,特價優惠 21,900元。
ANQUEEN 高溫殺菌洗碗機,原價 13,900元,特價93折12,900元。
Nintendo Switch,原價 8,980元,特價95折8,500元。
●博客來「618年中歡慶」,6/17至6/18全館加碼結帳滿千88折,滿3000元回饋5% OPEN POINT,滿額最高享21.5% OPEN POINT回饋,消費滿618元,再送星巴克好友分享券,活動期間累積消費滿5,000元,再抽萬元承億文旅住宿。
主打小家電:KINYO 8吋充電式靜音伸縮立扇,原價1,500元,6折 899 元。
二手筆電收購 二手筆電收購