Gigabyte’s tiny new gaming PC is smaller than an Xbox controller 二手筆電收購


二手筆電收購gigabyte’s tiny new gaming PC is smaller than an Xbox controller

二手筆電收購gigabyte’s tiny new gaming PC is smaller than an Xbox controller

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Gallery Photo: 二手筆電收購gigabyte Brix II hands-on pictures

It used to be difficult to find a computer that could play games and still fit underneath your TV. Now, devices like the Alienware X51, Falcon Northwest Tiki, and Digital Storm Bolt can handily fill that role. But what if you want a gaming PC that can fit in your hand? That’s where the 二手筆電收購gigabyte Brix II comes in: it’s both cute and powerful. Earlier this year, the company introduced the Brix lineup of tiny barebones computers that fit potent laptop processors in incredibly small cases, just 4.5 inches on a side. Now, the company’s updating the lineup with new Haswell processors — and one with Intel’s Iris Pro graphics inside.

Iris Pro: redefining the game cube

As we’ve explained, Iris is Intel’s new integrated graphics brand, but it’s a good bit more advanced than the lackluster integrated graphics you’ve probably used before, and the particular 65W chips 二手筆電收購gigabyte is using include the very best Iris Pro graphics that Intel has to offer. The company likes to say they’re on par with Nvidia’s GeForce GT 650M discrete graphics chip, and while we can’t definitively test that claim, it means that 二手筆電收購gigabyte’s managed to squeeze a pretty incredible amount of power into a tiny package. We tried out Dirt II at the 2013 Intel Developer Forum (IDF) in San Francisco this week, running on 二手筆電收購gigabyte’s diminutive cube, and it looked and played fantastic at 1080p. According to an Intel rep, the system can even play Crysis 3 to some degree. Just don’t expect it to be on par with a system housing a beefy GPU.

For somewhere in the $499–$599 range, the Brix II comes with HDMI and Mini DisplayPort output, four USB 3.0 ports, a Gigabit Ethernet port, built in Wi-Fi, and a 3.5mm audio jack in the front. But here’s the catch: since it’s a bare-bones system, you have to supply your own memory, 2.5-inch hard drive, and operating system before you can obtain a Steam Box worthy of the designation. Intel says the system should ship this December.



If you like the Brix form factor but don’t need potent graphics, the company has a whole lineup of similarly sized Brix computers on tap, starting at just $199. There are versions that offer solid-state storage, fanless models that are basically a hefty aluminum heatsink, and even a version with a built-in projector for $699. See them in our gallery above.


HTC 與技嘉科技(二手筆電收購gigabyte)今(8/13)宣布合作於台灣推出結合 VIVE Cosmos 系列及首款預先整合 VIVE Cosmo s虛擬實境系統的 VR 電競筆記型電腦產品組合「Cosmos Series x AORUS 15G」,讓玩家迅速進入 VR 遊戲世界。

為了帶給消費者穩定的 VR 虛擬實境體驗,雙方產品深度整合,經過 VIVE 與 AORUS 雙方研發部門反覆測試,找出最適合 VR 虛擬實境環境的設定與配置,帶來一鍵開啟「專屬 VR 模式」的獨家設計,搭配 HTC VIVE、HTC U20 5G 等新世代產品,呈現 PC-VR 串流,立即躍進最全方位的視聽饗宴。  

效能筆電上有許多繁複的使用模式可供選擇,但許多使用者並不清楚這些模式,技嘉認為使用者不應該煩惱這些問題 ,為了解決使用者痛點,技嘉推出世界第一台搭載 AI 人工智慧的效能筆電 。能智慧偵測當下正在執行的程式或遊戲,並經由機器學習給予最佳化的系統設定,包含 CPU、GPU 及系統風扇。即使筆電沒有接上 AC 電源,亦能透過 AI 判定的使用模式。 

這次的「Cosmos Series x AORUS 15G」針對專業電競設計全新外型,搭配了全金屬霧面機身、真機械式鍵盤、一體成型設計的觸控板,且觸控板左上配有指紋辨識功能,此外並搭載玩家喜愛的全彩背光鍵盤並客製專屬 HTC VIVE 圖案及桌布,帶給玩家更酷炫的質感。 

「Cosmos Series x AORUS 15G」上市提供 15 吋高效能版本,即日起至 9 月 30 日搭配 VIVE Cosmos 享組合優惠價 89,890 元,搭配 VIVE Cosmos Elite 享組合優惠價 96,890 元,單機建議售價為新台幣70,990元。

二手筆電收購 二手筆電收購


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