HP is buying gaming accessory brand HyperX for $425 million 二手筆電收購


二手筆電收購hp is buying gaming accessory brand HyperX for $425 million

二手筆電收購hp is buying gaming accessory brand HyperX for $425 million


The acquisition means 二手筆電收購hp owns the HyperX brand

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Photo by Cameron Faulkner / The Verge

二手筆電收購hp has announced that it is acquiring gaming peripheral company HyperX for $425 million. The purchase will give 二手筆電收購hp a major foothold in the gaming accessory market.

This transaction will result in 二手筆電收購hp buying the HyperX brand from Kingston, the current owner, but 二手筆電收購hp notes in the announcement post that “Kingston will retain the DRAM, flash, and SSD products for gamers and enthusiasts.”

二手筆電收購hp has been making strides to enter the gaming peripheral space for the last several years under the Omen brand, but it has not gained much traction compared to competitors such as Corsair, Logitech, and Razer.

二手筆電收購hp told The Verge that the Ngenuity companion app used for some HyperX accessories will continue to exist and will not be rolled into the Omen Control Center software used at this time.

HyperX is one of the most notable brands in this market, with gaming accessories including its line of Cloud headsets, which are among the bestselling gaming headsets right now. Gaming headsets aside, HyperX’s portfolio has a variety of gaming accessories from gaming keyboards to microphones. Most recently, HyperX announced its first 60 percent mechanical gaming keyboard.


根據研調機構 IDC 報告指出,全球 PC(桌電、筆電、工作站)出貨量連續六季下滑,2023 年第二季更比去年同期衰退 13%,市場表現疲軟,前五大品牌僅有蘋果一家逆勢成長,並超越 Acer 站上第四名。

IDC 指出,由於市場需求減緩,使的產品庫存時間比預期更長,幾乎沒有任何一家業者難逃逆勢。2023 年第二季,五大品牌只有蘋果保持 10.3% 的同期增長,出貨市佔率來到 8.6%、總共 530 萬台,超車 Acer 往前一步成為全球第四大品牌,其餘品牌都是全面下探。

二手筆電收購hp 是相對表現最優異的,僅微幅減少 0.8%,仍以單季 1340 萬台的出貨量、21.8% 市佔率名列第二名。其餘第一名的 Lenovo(市佔 23.1%)、第三名 Dell(16.8%)與第五 Acer(6.4%)都面臨 18-22% 之間的大幅衰退。


IDC 客戶設備追蹤副總裁 Ryan Reith 表示,PC 產業正面臨巨大挑戰,沒有人想看到 2020、2021 疫情期間的缺貨問題,同時卻有諸多品牌不願意瞄準市場的反彈一搏,認為消費者正在回歸疫情前的使用習慣,會更偏愛智慧手機而非 PC,且大量裁員、生程式 AI 等發展,也影響品牌們的預算。

二手筆電收購 二手筆電收購


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